Saturday, April 14, 2007

I heard this...

I heard this...

"What should you do if you are attacked by angry circus folk?"

"Go for the Juggler."
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Friday, April 13, 2007

Long Journey

There's nothing funny about a spiral. A spiral will never laugh until it cries.

You never see a spiral with a Secret Smile.



Spirals are confused; spirals try to Stick Close to Home.

Even a long spirals is not far from their starting points.

Obvious Red Herrings

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Rugged Souls

Two Rugged Souls tread through Uncharted Territory.

They must Tread Carefully, Beware of Pitfalls and Keep an Eye Out for Danger.

It is expected that they will be damaged along the way.

It is expected that they will be tough enough.

Twelve Helping Hands laugh; they know, "You can't go-it alone."
Obvious Red Herrings

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Dangerous Trails

Several hikers--outfitted identically in khaki shorts and shirts, wool socks, leather boots (with very rugged soles) and walking sticks--stride purposefully down the trail.

"I'm hungry, who brought the granola?"

"Craig has it."

"No I don't. Chelsea was supposed to bring it."

"Was not!"

"It's not important who was supposed to bring it. What is important is, Who did bring it?"

After a long silence...

"Oh great, no granola!"

"Does anybody have anything to eat?"

After a short silence...

"I have a little trail-mix."

"Great. Give it here."

"No I want it."

"It's mine"

"You have to share. Pass it over."

"No, me first."

It continues like this for quite some time.


Eventually, having no granola, the hikers fight over the single bag of trail-mix.

The action is fast and furious.

Fueled my several helpings of granola (which they each consumed at breakfast), the hikers fight long and hard.

Boots are flying.

Khaki is tearing.

Knapsacks are being carelessly dropped and left to lie where they fall, their contents spilling onto the Well Marked Trail.


During the scrum, a sack of trail-mix spills from a forest green knapsack.

The hikers, driven into a blood-fury, fail to notice the Inconspicuous Sack, on the Well Marked Trail.

Seizing their opportunity to escape from the Ravenous Hikers, the trail-mix conceals itself in the woods.


Hours later, a bag of trail-mix--containing two peanuts, a cashew, three raisins, five sunflower seeds and an Oaten Cluster--roar with laughter, for they have rarely seen such silly shenanigans.
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Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Red Whale

The Elusive Red Whale swims silently by.

Nobody sees him.

He joins eleven of his friends at The Hidden Location.

They sip on margaritas and laugh--life is seriously funny.


Obvious Red Herrings

Monday, April 9, 2007

A Little Fishy

So, I'm walking down the river one day when twelve Red Herring come up and swim around me.

One of the Red Herring says, "Look, a seagull!"

I look.

I look back.

The herring are gone!

Nearby, I hear twelve strands of seaweed laughing--I think I hear one of them mention something about a "funny hat."



Devious Red Herrings

Sunday, April 8, 2007


"Are we here yet?"


"Are you sure?"

"I'm positive."

"Only fools say, 'I'm positive.'"

"Are you sure?"

"I'm positive."
Obvious Red Herrings