Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Toast (finale)

The Court of Law has upheld the decision that my picture of Well Toasted Bread is, indeed, too controversial and I am still Not Allowed to show it (upon pain of microwaving).


They also ordered me to show a spiral.

When I told the Court of Law that I had already shown a spiral (last week), they said I hadn't shown it in the Proper Context and that people had probably gotten the Wrong Idea about spirals.

They said that spirals are Spinning in Control and Having a lot of Fun and are Not at all Confused.

I told them that was Baloney.

They fined me a thousand dollars.


Finally, the Court of Law ordered me to publish the Official Information about the Approved Toast Picture.

"A study has shown that 64% of people find the Approved Toast Picture (ATP) to be Rather Pleasant (RP). Thirty-six percent (36%) of people where microwaved, On High, for ten seconds.

"A subsequent study found that 100% of survivors (of the first study) found the ATP to be RP."
-- Court of Law

Objavascript:void(0) Save as Draftvious Red Herrings

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is hilarious-I love your toast series!
