Friday, June 22, 2007

[Non-]Visual Art

"I call this one Invisible Dog, Sleeping--for obvious reasons. And this one is Invisible Dog, Barking--but you can't hear him 'cause it's only a painting. "

"There's nothing there?"

"Well, they're invisible!"

"But, there isn't even a background or anything. There isn't even a canvas!"

"Yeah. They're invisible too!"

"But it's a Visual Medium, that's why They call it Visual Arts, not Invisible Arts. Hey, look at these: Invisible Guy, Not Painting; Invisible Guy, Touring Empty Room; and, Invisible Guy Is Full of Shit."

"They're nice."


"I said they're nice"

"But, they're not..."

"Your composition needs work."


"The vertical relationship between the shapes is boring."

"But, they're not...Hey, what's the dog doing to my leg?"

"Oh, that's a performance piece: Visible Dog, Humping Your Leg."
Objavascript:void(0) Save as Draftvious Red Herrings

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