Sunday, April 29, 2007

Sweet Dreams

I was tired, but I couldn't sleep,
So I went for a walk.
I was wearing my favourite PJs,
The red ones with the western motif.

I walked past the movie theatre and the liquor store.
Past the Mac's Milk, the video store and 24-hour gas station.
I walked right out of town.
Then I walk right out of there too.

I was lost.
I was in Parts Unknown.
I was in Hell Without a Guide.
I was wet from head-to-toe.

It was very muddy and cold.
It seemed unusual to me,
To be as wet as I was.
I was really, really, soaking wet.

There were many fish floating around.
The fish were talking a lot.
Really, it was a nonstop babble,
A cacophony of fishy voices.

The fish were telling me many things.
Things about my life.
Things I didn't want to heard.
Things that fish shouldn't know.

So I left.
I went back home.
I got into bed.
I fell asleep.

Sweet dreams.

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